Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sniffing and Epilepsy...Why?

Before I start the post

I put this up last week but my PI, (my boss for you non-scientists), sent me an urgent text to take it down ASAP. There's this huge issue in science called 'scooping.' This is where a scientist will see somebody else's work on a project that is similar to their own and race to publish it first, taking all of the credit. This happens far more often than you might think, especially among a group people who are all generally trying to help the world in some way. It's pretty weird and awful. My PI read the first paragraph and to her it looked like what I was saying was putting my work, as well as the other people in our lab, at risk of being scooped. She gave it a full read-through this weekend and gave it the OK. Most of the science and the methodologies that I write about here have actually been known and used for a long time. I wanted to write this thing because I'm really stoked about what we're working on and wanted to spread the word beyond the small circle of scientists that we interact with at talks and conferences. It turns out that you should at least ask somebody whether its alright before you launch their ideas out to wherever they go on the internet. Lesson learned. 
Now let's talk about this sniffing stuff.

I spent the last few months applying for a grant through the NIH to study...sniffing

If all goes as planned, some of your hard-earned tax dollars are going to directly to me to spend a couple of years investigating sniffing. Some scientists study the science of olfaction, or how your brain forms perceptions of odors from the chemicals that enter your nose. My research isn't so much about that. I'm literally going to study how people sniff stuff. 

If that isn't weird enough for you, I plan to work with epilepsy patients at Northwestern Hospital and ask them to smell a bunch of heinous odors while I record electrical signals from their brains and breathing waveforms from their noses.

So this obviously seems pretty insane. 

Neuroscientists should probably work on important problems like Alzheimer's Disease and MS. What reason could ever justify this trash?

My mentor, lab mates, and I believe that the results of this project could actually have pretty significant implications for understanding and treating epilepsy. In the rest of this post I'm going to walk you through our logic and hopefully prove to you that I haven't completely lost my mind. I'm going to start by explaining the basics of epilepsy.

Epilepsy and SUDEP

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is characterized by the recurrent tendency for one to have seizures. Seizures can come in many forms. For instance, someone having an absence seizure will appear to space out for a few seconds. These can be so subtle that many people who have absence seizures don't even realize that they have epilepsy for a long time. On the other hand, someone having a grand mal seizure will experience violent convulsions for up to about two minutes.

If you look someone's brain activity while they have a seizure, you will see that neurons in one area of the brain will start to fire more rapidly and synchronously than they ever normally would. In more severe seizures, this rampant abnormal activity can spread across the brain, sometimes reaching areas far from where it started. For example, in a grand mal seizure, the seizure activity reaches the motor cortex, which is responsible for many aspects of controlling movement. These neurons are mostly silent when you’re resting. But when you chose to move part of your body, a select group of these neurons will activate in a complex, finely-tuned pattern, sending signals down your spinal cord, precisely controlling which muscles to flex. However, when seizure activity sweeps across the motor cortex, tons of neurons are simultaneously activated, causing the erratic, unintentional muscle movements seen in grand mal seizures. 

The main takeaway here is that seizures disrupt the neural activity in the parts of the brain that they spread to and can initiate (or modify) the processes that neurons in those areas are involved in. 

Lots of great people are working on understanding seizures and epilepsy. I'm particularly excited about brain implants that can predict and disrupt seizures. Few people know that these exist and are actually inside some peoples' heads right now! 
(seriously awesome right?)  My work is related to SUDEP, a fatal complication of epilepsy that afflicts people with severe, medication-resistant cases. It is the leading cause of death for people with severe epilepsy.

SUDEP stands for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. If you can guess by the name, we really have no idea how to predict SUDEP and we have just a vague idea of its cause. This is clearly a huge problem and we want to make a big dent in it. 

My brilliant supervisor had the idea that studying the neurons that control sniffing might actually help us understand SUDEP, and hopefully prevent it in the future. 

So why in tarnation would anyone think that?

Epilepsy and Breathing

One of the first key clues about the cause of SUDEP is evidence suggesting that these people may die because they stop breathing, which is soon followed by cardiac arrest [1,
2]. This is a huge step forward but it is also rather unexpected.

More often than not, seizures begin in the temporal lobes of the brain, while breathing is controlled by a few small patches of neurons far away in the brainstem. Therefore, the first big question that we need to answer is, how would disrupted activity in these epileptic brain regions trigger neurons in a totally different area of the brain to make somebody stop breathing?

how tho?
Basically, for this to happen, there has to be an anatomical pathway linking epileptogenic neurons in the temporal lobe to respiratory neurons in the brainstem. I wasn't taught any such pathways in my neuroscience education, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. After some research, we came across some previous work that identified such a pathway in rats [3] and non-human primates [4], suggesting that we may have it in our brains as well. The amygdala, a brain region within each temporal lobe, contains a subregion called the central nucleus, which appears to have neurons that directly project to respiratory areas in the brainstem through the amygdalofugal pathway! Therefore, it seems plausible that when a seizure propagates to neurons in the central amygdala, this activity may reach respiratory neurons in the brainstem where it could disrupt — and maybe halt — ongoing breathing rhythms.

Now, anatomical evidence is good but it’s critical that we to test whether this connection matters. In other words, we need to experimentally test the hypothesis that activating neurons in the central amygdala causes people to stop breathing.

Testing this hypothesis is tricky because you can't just go around making people undergo brain surgery to stick wires in their amygdala and mess with their neurons. In the face of this completely reasonable constraint, many neuroscientists choose to do experiments on non-human animals. This is a totally valid approach but there’s always going to be uncertainty about whether something found in the brain of another species is going to be present in our brains as well. In the end we’re really going to have to test any hypothesis about humans directly in humans to be sure. Fortunately, there is actually a rare and special condition where we can do this. 

Doing Neuroscience with Epilepsy Patients

This kind of surgery has been done
since the 40's!
If you have debilitating, treatment-resistant epilepsy, sometimes neurologists will recommend that you undergo surgery to remove the part of the brain where your seizures originate. This is a difficult and involved procedure that can take days and sometimes weeks. During this treatment, electrodes are surgically implanted in the patient’s brain. Then, the patient is taken off their anti-seizure drugs and monitored 24/7, until they experience several clinical seizures. During the seizures, the electrodes in their brain record data that neurologists and technicians use to try to figure out where the seizures originate. Using up to around one hundred contact sites electrodes they create a 3D map of the epileptogenic site, or the seizure’s starting point, and follow where it spreads through the brain. Once the neurologists are confident that they have found the epileptogenic site, they perform another step before surgically removing it.

The electrodes implanted in the patient’s brain can stimulate as well as record. With electrical neurologists can perturb areas around the resection site to test whether they are responsible for major cognitive functions like language and memory. This is really important because everybody’s brain is a little different and if a part of the patient’s brain that is responsible for say, forming new memories, overlaps with the epileptogenic site, the neurologists can modify the surgery plan to avoid negatively affecting the patient.

Perhaps the craziest part of this process is that these patients have to be awake while the neurologists assess these other cognitive functions with and without stimulation. The only way to be confident that the patient can still use language after parts of their brain are removed is to have them perform various tasks that they have to be awake to do—like reading or talking— while electrically stimulating these areas.

You might think it would be super painful to have a bunch of metal wires running an electrical current through your brain while you are conscious, but it actually isn't. We can sense pain in lots of the tissue in our head but the brain itself doesn't have any pain receptors, so surprisingly, stimulating most areas isn't painful. I say ‘most’ only because there are just a few areas that receive signals from neurons that are sensitive to pain, so stimulating these select areas could actually induce 
sensations of pain. It's super interesting and I could go on but we’re quickly getting off topic.

We work closely with lots of neurologists at Northwestern to do experiments with epilepsy patients. It goes without saying that we are extremely aware of the ethical considerations we must take with these patients and everything we do is approved by an internal ethics review board. 

Stimulating the central amygdala (left) but 
not the hippocampus (right) caused patients
to stop breathing.
Members of my lab recently published an experiment that they conducted with epilepsy patients to test this hypothesis—that directly stimulating the central amygdala causes people to stop breathing. It turns out that their hypothesis was correct; every single patient that was tested instantly stopped breathing when the central nucleus of the amygdala was stimulated. We think this is specific to the central amygdala because stimulating neighboring regions had no effect on breathing. Interestingly, breathing only stopped when the patients were instructed to breathe naturally through their nose, not their mouth. There were several fascinating things we noticed. For one, patients stopped their breathing for as long as the stimulus was applied and sometimes longer. However, they were able to resume breathing during stimulation if they were instructed to. Also, (anecdotally) all but one of the patients were totally unaware that they had stopped breathing at all! This is all really exciting and builds on the findings of others [5] [6] but, like most science, raises more questions than it answers. 

The Amygdala and Breathing?

The amygdala has been well-defined as a brain area that is crucial for a lot of emotional processes. If you get rid of someone's amygdalae (the plural of amygdala that nobody uses), they exhibit hypoemotionality, or a lack of emotions. These people can recognize if something is meant to be scary but they don't experience the fear associated with it or exhibit fear-induced behaviors like sweating or elevated heart rate. There have been numerous studies that have shown that people with anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD all seem to have differences in their amygdalae compared to healthy controls. 

So why the heck is this emotional brain region talking to respiratory areas in the brainstem in the first place? 

We know that when we're emotional, we breathe very differently. For example, laughing and crying are respiratory behaviors that are induced by specific emotional states. Laughing and crying are both so freaking weird and just get weirder the more you think about them. I'm sure that you've laughed so hard that you couldn't breathe, likewise with crying, but hopefully far less often. But that doesn't answer the question. Why is emotion so tied to breathing and how would this be helpful at all? If you were building a brain from scratch, why would you ever give this emotional brain region the authority to override and halt a vital process that keeps you alive

I wanted to get my head around this brain region a little better so I asked if I could sit in on my program's neuroanatomy lab. Something I didn't realize is just how tiny the amygdala is! 

In the picture on the left, I'm holding a section of a medical donor's right temporal lobe, which I have sliced coronally. (or at least attempted to)
In picture on the right you can see that the amygdala is only visible in two of these ~1 cm slices. 

Why does this glob of cells, that is roughly the size and shape of an almond, have so much control when we have one of the largest brains in the animal kingdom?

It’s possible that this connection between the amygdala and breathing is some vestigial circuit leftover from evolution or development. A colleague suggested that pausing breathing could help you avoid being detected by a predator, which is very plausable. But maybe, just maybe, the reason that this connection exists might have something to do with smell.

More About The Amygdala and Also Sniffing

"The amygdala is the emotion part of the brain", is a platitude that I've read more times than I can remember. While this is mostly true, I think that the amygdala may be more accurately described as the brain region responsible for determining the hedonic value of stimuli and triggering adaptive responses. In English, that means that when you sense something, your amygdala determines whether it is good for you or bad for you. If you present people with pleasant stimuli, their amygdalae activate. If you show them images of landscapes, or play simple tones, the amygdala doesn't do much. If you show people scary images, their amygdalae go nuts. The amygdala has bidirectional connections with tons of brain areas including the sensory cortices, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus, brainstem, and other areas as well. It is like your own personal Central Intelligence Agency that is always gathering intel from all over the brain and monitoring whether things are OK. If your amygdala detects a threat, it sends signals to activate areas of the brain that do things like potentiating reflexes and releasing hormones, which help you react quickly and avoid most kinds of immediate danger [7].

Something that few people know about the amygdala is that it receives extensive, direct input from the olfactory bulb - which is the first area in the brain that processes information about odors. When you smell something awful your amygdala activates like it would if you saw or heard something aversive. However, if you smell something unpleasant you also reflexively stop sniffing [8] [9]. Most things that smell bad are also harmful to you, like rotten food or noxious gasses. Rapidly halting your nasal breathing when you detect potentially dangerous chemicals in your nose prevents you from breathing them into your lungs, where they could be absorbed into your body and harm you. This reflex is key because it demonstrates that olfactory information can rapidly halt ongoing breathing rhythms. This reflex is extremely fast, which has led some researchers to hypothesize the existence of an 'olfactomotor' circuit ('olfacto' meaning olfaction and 'motor' referring to respiratory motor neurons) [10]. The anatomy of the olfactomotor circuit not been investigated yet but I'm bringing this up here because this behavior has amygdala written all over it.

Now I feel like I need to recap what I've told you so far because I've introduced a bunch of pretty tricky ideas in neuroscience that relate to each other in ways that I maybe didn't chain together as well as I could have.

The Story So Far
  1. People with severe epilepsy can die from SUDEP.
  2. SUDEP seems to be caused largely by fatal cessation of breathing.
  3. For a seizure to cause changes in breathing, it must affect the activity of neurons in the respiratory areas of the brainstem.
  4. The central amygdala is located in the temporal lobe, where seizures resulting in SUDEP tend to originate, and directly connects to neurons in the brainstem that control breathing.
  5. Activating neurons in the central amygdala, both with direct electrical stimulation and seizure activity, causes people with epilepsy to stop breathing.
  6. We have a circuit that links information about olfactory hedonic value to respiratory control but its location is unknown.

Here's is the kicker: it seems like the central nucleus of the amygdala is poised to be a key node in this olfactomotor circuit. If this is true, the reason that people stop breathing during a seizure could be because the seizure reaches the central nucleus of the amygdala, activating the olfactomotor circuit, which disrupts nasal breathing. 

So in an ironic and deeply dark way, it could be the case that the circuit that protects us from breathing in harmful chemicals by halting our nasal breathing can be 'hijacked' by a seizure, causing breathing to stop for as long as the seizure persists - potentially leading to SUDEP

It's important to point out that these last two statements are theories, not facts. It would be so awesome if we could prevent SUDEP by electrically suppressing activity in the central amygdala. Preventing SUDEP could even be as simple as telling someone who is having a seizure to just breathe through their mouth. However, when you do science, your ideas are wrong far more often than they are right. In fact, it's kind of incredible that we're ever right. Nature is confusing as hell and we're just this weird, emotional primate species trying to figure it all out. The best way to test whether a theory is correct is, un-intuitively, to conduct experiments designed to prove that your theory is wrong. In other words, my research is all about investigating these ideas but every day at work my lab mates and I try to prove ourselves wrong.

These days we're running experiments to see if the central amygdala is not part of the olfactomotor circuit. Specifically, we're trying to identify what chemosensory properties of odors activate this circuit, whether activating the central amygdala actually leads to activation of the brainstem respiratory groups, and how the trigeminal system (something I haven't even mentioned here) might participate in these processes as well. If we successfully fail at proving ourselves wrong, the next steps will be working on treatments for how to use this knowledge to intervene and hopefully prevent SUDEP altogether.

Final Thoughts

I came into grad school almost exclusively interested in brain-computer interfaces, the benefits of which are incredible and obvious. But three years in, I find myself in the hospital, wearing a lab coat, politely asking people undergoing epilepsy surgery to smell a bunch of disgusting odors for me. It's certainly not what I had expected to be doing but I think that I'm a lot happier doing this compared to just about anything else. I think these ideas are fascinating, important, and worth a whole lot of my time to work on, even if I someday have the misfortune of proving all of them wrong. 

...I also really hope that whoever is reading my 64 page grant right now agrees. 

Thanks for reading and I hope that the rest of your day is filled with deep, healthy sniffs of exclusively pleasant odors.


  1. Awesome. Yeah, if this theory is right, sounds like people who die of SUDEP would be unaware that they're not breathing.

    I wonder, however, if you become aware that you're not breathing when the lack of breathing causes hypoxia; wouldn't other systems kick in to gaps for air?

    Wondering if your lab's experimental data on direct central amygdala stimulation could speak to this; what's the longest y'all did the stimulation? Perhaps y'all could test how long someone can hold their breath without stimulation, and then stimulate for that amount of time...

    Also curious to know what makes a person a mouth breather vs. nasal breather, since your theory suggests those at risk for SUDEP are nasal breathers (or at least, are at the time of death).

    1. Thanks Ben! Very cool ideas. I agree that it would make sense for other systems to kick in when someone reaches a hypoxic state, especially considering how many circuits interact with breathing. The hard part would be testing that. The data that would answer your question would be a recording from the central amygdala of a person dying from SUDEP in the clinic. That hasn't happened at the Northwetern ECU to my knowledge, which is clearly a good thing, but I imagine there's probably a recording of this out there somewhere that would be really beneficial to analyze.

      I think your idea about finding the limit to which people can hold their breath and then stimulating the amygdala for that period to see if other systems kick in is a great idea. I think it would be awfully hard to test with humans. I mean no disrespect, but I'd just be a little concerned doing this with a vulnerable patient population that we're already asking a lot from. This is clearly a really important question that someone should address. A more satisfying explanation might lie at the level of the precise functional respiratory neural circuitry, which would need to be done in an animal model experiment. Maybe the amygdala can 'overrule' other systems but we very well may be wrong.

      Your hypothesis about mouth breathing vs. nose breathing in SUDEP makes a lot of sense to me. I totally hadn't thought of that. I'm going to recommend to my colleagues that we ask future patients whether they mouth breathe when they start the treatment and see if we can find any meaningful differences in their breathing/brain activity. I'll definitely keep you involved if anything comes of it!

      Thanks again and feel free to contact me anytime if you have more questions or ideas in the future! Good luck with your work as well!

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  4. I am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic epilepsy ,since i was bone , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this illness was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 31 years, this was really a terrible illness ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how his son was been cured from epilepsy through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 4 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of epilepsy within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign of seizure.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help

  5. ALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. William,who uses herbal medicine in curing people from epilepsy,i was so glad to contact him on his email and make an order for his medication, it does not have any side effect. I am so glad to say that she has been seizure-free since July 2015 after taking William medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail ( thanks once again admin for such an informative blog.

  6. On November 15, 2010. Our lives were forever changed when our sweet girl began having seizures. The next day, we learned why. She was diagnosed with Aicardi Syndrome, an extremely rare and random genetic mutation. Her brain did not form properly, and in addition to other physical and developmental challenges we were told to expect her to have seizures every day. EVERY DAY. And with rare exception she has. For almost two years.
    I learned about kunime anti-seizures herbal medication when I had search the whole herbs in town without no hope. I could not bear to see my daughter going through this problem at the early age of her life. I had no option left than to contact Dr Lawson Bryan I explain to him, I wanted to know more about him before I go ahead with the herbs. I was extra cautious about anything like this. I had a few doubts in my mind, he explaind to me how the herbal medicine works to cure seizures. I discussed with my husband, he permitted me to try it. I made an order for the herbal medicine. My daughter started using the medicine, I noticed tremendous changes the seizures was longer frequent! After five months of using the Herbal medication, my daughter was totally seizure free. For over 7 years She never had seizure not even for a second. I can tell you in all truth that the herbal medicine works. She is so full of life. I have been reaching out to people with seizures telling them my story how they can get cured through Herbal medication that worked for my daughter. Dr. Lawson Bryan is exceptional, real and understanding. I will recommend him to anyone. I have done that to the epilepsy forum.Sent an email to him

    1. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

  7. I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from seizure, I have suffered from seizure since the year 2011 with so mush anxiety ,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the fainting and muscle spasms , until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including seizure, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure my Generalised tonic-clonic seizure , but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from seizure just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from seizure you can contact him through his email on for help.

    1. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

  8. ALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. William,who uses herbal medicine in curing people from epilepsy,i was so glad to contact him on his email and make an order for his medication, it does not have any side effect. I am so glad to say that she has been seizure-free since July 2015 after taking William medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail ( thanks once again admin for such an informative blog.

    1. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

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    The first epileptic fit occurred when I was ten years old. The next seizure came about three years later. The doctor was not sure that it was epilepsy, so he did not subscribe any pills to me. Many years later, when I was at university,I again had seizures and my parents took me to a specialist who subscribed anti-epileptic medication. From then on I had to take three capsules per day, but most of the time I had seizures until I got to know about Dr.ewoig product. His herbal remedy is the only permanent solution to Seizure. You can always contact him through his email for more information (

  14. New diagnostic techniques, drugs and interventions being introduced to treat Epilepsy at BRAINS. Please visit Brains Hospital to know more.

    I am happy today that my son have been cure from seizure, which he had for 10 years now, he do have the attack five to seven times a week, which affecting his educational system and his life. when i was going through the
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  16. Life has not been so easy for me, i almost gave up on getting cured of HSV2 because i have tried many treatment and still don't work for me, so i was going place to place just for me to search for herbs cure or any solution to my problem and i also have three kids to take care of, that same period my husband die in an accident on it way coming home so life was very tough for me, so when i was going through the herbs site to find a cure for my problem i saw a story about a lady testify about DR.Imoudu, so i said to my self let me give a try to see if my problem can be solved, because i have spend alot of money In the hospital and their was no cure for it, so i contacted DR.Imoudu that afternoon of it and he gave me instruction how i will go about it and he sent me a herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed me to do. After taking the medicine for two weeks i saw a changes on my body, then i called the Dr and told him about it and he said i should go for test. i can't believe when my result came out it was negative, i was very happy to share this great testimony to the world there is real cure for #herpes you can also contact DR.Imoudu Email: DR.IMOUDUHEALERTEMPLE@GMAIL. COM also WhatsApp him +2348109609753..
    He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases;

    My Name is Chung. I am Chinese, resident in America. My child Mei was 3 years old when she lost her mother, sad story. I and her grandmother have been taking care of her. Her seizure started at the age of 5. So I got confused and disorganized, never had such experience. It became a life of visiting hospitals and making sure her medications were taken. After four years, she had no improvement. We used all Chinese natural treatment, the frequency of her seizure never ceased. Gladly I got to hear about HILTON through a video I watched on YouTube, and I made inquiry and found it was really working for people. I have always believe in herbs being a born in China. Herbs are true healers. Finding Dr. Mohan was a great sprint to Mei total recovery. We ordered HILTON after I presented Mei health information to Dr. Mohan. The delivery was faster than I thought. Two months after use, Mei got a lot better than when she was on carbamazepine and Dilantin. It has passed one year and Mei seizure has stopped completely after using HILTON for Treatment. As a parent, I know the pain of watching your child get sick. There is help with HILTON herbal medicine. I will encourage you to read it up about it by clicking this link

  18. Am One of the happiest woman on earth since my son was cured from the problem of seizure,which he has been having for eight years now,he do have the attack two to three times a week,which was affecting his education and his life.i got the contact of doctor Williams from the post of one Mr Paul thanking him for curing his seizure problem,i got the contact and contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is a permanent cure, and that was how i got the medication which i used on my son,and for six month now there have been no sign of seizure in him again.any one with such problem can contact him on his email on for more information.  

  19. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that I would be healed someday.This disease started to circulate all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, a few weeks ago I came on search on the internet if I could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search I saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr. Silver and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so I wrote to Dr. Silver telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that I was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later I started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr. assured me that I have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if I have been finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr. Silver ( sir I am indeed grateful for the help I will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address (

  20. Thanks to Dr Williams I am so happy today, my wife have been suffering from epilepsy for so many years now, and i have spent a lot on western drugs which has all proved abortive, i have tried all means in life to get my wife out of this  , but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Dr Williams online and i contacted him and after she took his medication as instructed, my wife is now completely cure from epilepsy within one month of usage, i am so much happy, thanks to Dr Williams for helping me get my wife life  back  again without any form of crisis, i promise to tell your name and good deeds to the whole world,if you have someone with epilepsy  you can email him on for more information .  

    1. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

    2. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is


    A great privilege to share this information about cure to epilepsy. I believe this space will have wider reach beyond my community and will help someone out there going through pain of seizure and asking if life is worth living. Yes it is! Seizure has a cure through HILTON, do not give up so soon okay. If you have used English medications for seizure, you will agree that those medications cannot produce a cure. This is direction that I bring to you, do not believe all negative stories you read that epilepsy cannot be cured through herbal medicine. Quit wasting your hard earned money on English drugs by pilling up health bills. Truth is that not all herbal medicine works for epilepsy, but I can guarantee having seen results, that Dr. Mohan herbal medicine is a breakthrough. Just the way you are reading, was how I read someone testimony shared on the internet. I contacted Mohan and after discussions, his medicine was shipped to me here in New Zealand. My friend’s son has been seizure free for more than 3 years after using HILTON which I ordered to save his life. HILTON works perfectly well and no side effects whatsoever, I can attest to this! Save yourself from more English medicines side effects. Contact Dr. Mohan through or visit his blog to know about HILTON on

    1. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

  22. I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who helped me in my life. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS , i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get solution. so a lady walked to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to her telling her my problem, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a doctor who uses herbal medication to cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS and gave me his email, so i mail him. He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks the HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in my body got vanished . so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also email him at: or call/ whatsapp he on +2347030465649
    You can also contact him if are diagnosed with any the virus below
    {1}HIV and AIDS
    {4} Blood Cancer
    {5} He Can Make you get Pregnancy
    {6.} HPV
    {7} ALS
    {8} Hepatitis
    {9} Diabetes
    {10}STD cure

  23. Am so happy to share this testimony with everyone about how i got my herpes cured from Dr. Lawson the godfather of herbal medicine. I had been going from one country to another for medication for 3 years just to be cured from herpes but all seems in vain, i was confused and decided to search through the Internet if i could get any news concerning herpes so i do keep searching until i visited one particular site and i saw the great testimonies from different persons testifying how Dr. Lawson has cure them from herpes and other diseases and i was shock and was thinking if this is real, after a due consideration i decided to contact him with the email address I found in the posted just to give it a trial and when i contacted him he proved to me that his herbal medicine can cure me if only i believe in him, so i requested for his herbal medicine and i got it and i applied it as prescribed and after 2weeks of application i went for a test and to my greatest shock the herpes virus has disappeared and it was just like a dream. Today I am cured from herpes am so happy and thanking God for using Dr. Lawson to cure me. so if you are out there and you are suffering for herpes or any kind of illness kindly contact Dr. Lawson through, he will help you to cure that illness. you can get in touch with him via: his email address. or call/whatsapp him on this number +2348154635774. Here's also his IG link @dr_lawson9 and also here's his website and here's Facebook link contact him so that you can be alive testimony same as me, God bless .....

  24. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

  25. Could you tell me how much the program cost as I am interested for my son has seizures. Thank you. My email is

    I want to inform the public how i was cured of herpes  Virus by a Doctor called Dr ishiaku. I visited different hospitals but they gave me a list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which are very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedies on Herpes and I saw comments of people talking about how Doctor ishiaku cured them. I Was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convinced to give him a try because i was having no hope of being cured of herpes so i decided to contact him on his email, i searched his email on net and i saw a lot of people testifying about his goodness. When I contacted him he gave me hope and sent a Herbal medicine to me that I took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. You can contact him on his email: or whats-app him via + 2348180828544 and get all your problems solved.1)Sickness of any kind
    2)Help to CURE Hepatitis B, herpes, HIV/AIDS CANCER and BIPOLAR
    3)Divorce, Breakup problem and To Re-unit
    4)Pregnancy problem
    5)Financial problem and Job promotion
    6)bad mouth odour
    7)eye or ear problem
    8) enlargement of manhood 
    you can also visit his website for more information 

  27. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. The best way to avoid this problem in Neurology And Sleep Centre. this centre provides world best treatment for snoring problems, Snoring and Sleep Disorders Clinic, Sleep apnea treatment in Delhi, Best Snoring Doctor in Delhi,Sleep Disorders Treatment.

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  29. Thank You Admin For Sharing This Great Information With us Have A Great Day Azoospermia Treatment

  30. I had HIV I was told there was no cure except medication that can control it, I totally lost hope, all I could think was losing my life because I was so depressed and confused about the whole situation , few weeks ago I read about Dr Ojie natural herbal medicine which was guaranteed, I ordered the medicine after using it for 2 weeks I went for test and I tested negative I am so excited to share my testimony thank you so much dr Ojie you can also contact dr Ojie via WhatsApp or call +2349015357322 Email Dr ojie also have medications for, Kidney failure ,Herpes 1/2, CANCER, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Hepatitis A/B, chronic pancreatitis, Emphysema, COPD (Chronic , Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), asthma, Acute angle-closure Glaucoma, Diabetes, CHRONIC PANCREATITIS thanks everyone God bless.
